Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sarvam Anityam!

Its been with me for a long part of my life. I have always believed in it. I even think its a feasibility. I am talking about re-incarnation. Life begets life, only to change the physical container when the other decays. This kind of thinking is very much common amongst most South Indians. Its probably something to do with ancient stories about Vishnu and his ten incarnations? ( I dont know! )

If re-incarnation were actually a fact, which science hasnt yet caught up with - how would it actually operate? Is our Karma a part of which body form our souls would take in the coming lives? Will Karma infact dictate how many lives any given soul should have?

The maths behind Karma has to be simple. It has to be:
Sum (All good actions you initiate) = [Sum (Your bad actions) + Sum (All good actions others reciprocate for you)]

This ofcourse is my first cut equation and not necessarily something I am absolutely convinced.
If this were the baseline on which our souls operate, the trick would likely to be in being as close to ZERO as possible.

If we have a higher value on the Left hand side of the equation:
Sum (All good actions you initiate) - then, our souls probably have some part in deciding which body forms it can choose - from a selective list with some pros and cons against each detailed.

If we have a higher value on the Right hand side of the equation:
[Sum (Your bad actions) + Sum (All good actions others reciprocate for you)] - its more than likely that the value would be assessed against the range for each level of body form.

For example - if we have the hierarchy of life forms as follows:

Non Plant but smaller insects/animals
Medium animals
Advanced animals
Human beings

(Please note that its not the size of the life form which we should relate to here, its the ability of the mind (in the various levels of life forms) to act and to undo actions, as it sees fit.)

If we have a RHS value which is not subscribed to be within the acceptable range for 'human beings' then probably the body forms offered would be from the next lowest level and this would be recursive until a suitable range is found out.

If we actually look at this kind of mathematics behind re-incarnation (actually believing for a moment, that this is a fact) - there are 2 important points to derive:

1) Each and everyone reading this blog, has a soul which has started its journey from a plant and has done various levels of body form swap and passed every required range to move on to the next level in the hierarchy.

2) What comes after 'human beings' in the hierarchy? What next?

There is a general impression amongst us that life is to be lived positively! We therefore try to associate positive behaviour like being happy and being successful as the true fruits of living a good life. Maybe thats one flavor of life.

But probably the main essence is to use our success to induce some good actions for the sake of others?! Thats the only way - to negate the value on the RHS. In today's materialistic world, its so easy to make mistakes and to induce negativity - in thought, action and effect.

Its all a theory at this moment. Maybe thats how it will stay forever!

Sarvam Anityam!

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