Sunday, February 24, 2008

Take 2!

American Gangster

A movie of some intense scenes. Lots of words spoken and less number of bullets shot. Now thats a change for a start. A true story, it speaks of the mind of two distinct characters - assumingly a true story of the 1970s.

Denzel steals the scene with his new style of intense business sense. 'My Man' is a dialogue which will remain with the audience much after they have left the cinema hall. Very rare to see him in a negative role, he infuses that rare bit of insight into the mind of a 'driver' who rises to run the drug business in America.

Russell on the other hand, is that 'Kamalhassan' kind of cop, the man who lives and breathes honesty in his work while not being a good family man. Guess this was the time before AIDS came to the world. The scenes where he is asked if he reported the 1 million dollars he found during a raid - are really hilarious. The final scenes where he is seen negotiating with Denzel with style and precision dialogues, tops the act.

In all, a very engrossing movie with a lot of powerful scenes, not for the weak hearted. And yeah, it is deservedly a 'must watch'.

3:10 to Yuma

Another movie. Russell Crowe steals the show as the cool, arrogant WANTED cow-boy bandit. At first go, the movie was damn boring, so I switched it and was watching something else. But then, better sense prevailed later in the flight and I managed to watch a substantial part of the movie.

Lots of bullets, lots of style and some real heart stopping action. Thats how the summary should be. Honestly, since the flight landed before the movie got over, I havent seen the full movie. So the summary here, should also be equally incomplete.

The Last King of Scotland

Man, this is a movie which has a lot of 'brutal scenes in it'. I wouldnt recommend it to my wife. That much is sure. A lot of powerful acting by Whitaker. I remember seeing him in some smaller roles and this time he has iced the caked and eaten it too! A leader, of whom no one has an idea what he would do next. Some of his dialogues are not audibly clear. Thats probably the only post-production glitch.

Real drama unfolds between the dictator and the doctor. A lot of super scenes dot the movie from the start to the end including the assassination attempts and the final scene where the doctor escapes from Uganda. Watch the movie for Whitakar. He deserves the Oscar he received for this role.

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