Monday, February 27, 2006

The Mathematics involved in cooking

Its always been ratios and numbers all along. How many teaspoons of salt? how many for this curry powder .. and that one?

How many cups of water is required for one cup of rice..

its all these numbers and ratios which eventually result in a well cooked meal.

ofcourse, you need all the ingredients to make the meal.

last nite, i almost got it right.. made vendakai/kathirikai sambhar.. came out well.. added tamarind water and also less haldi than what i used to put earlier.

so it all added up in the right ratios and numbers.. voila. last night meal was good!


Friday, February 24, 2006

Sambhar of a new grade!

last nite.. managed to go this sri lankan shop near my home.. picked up some very critical powder items - dhaniya powder, turmeric powder.. etc..

and also got some brinjal.

the sambhar took pretty less time to make and with all the powders added, it was really good!

i really relished the sambhar last nite.. also bought some ponni rice and some dal.

so hopefully this weekend., there will be a good feast in my place

yesterday morning.. it was also snowing a bit.. so that was a really different experience.. sort of enjoyed it!!


Monday, February 20, 2006

New Home New Experience

Managed to move to a new home yesterday afternoon. its a good feeling after all.. finally getting into the first stage of working in a new country.#

and also yeah.. i also started off with some cooking. man that was some experience.. its not to say that i dont know cooking.. but its definitely like - i have forgotten a lot.

started off to make some rice, sambhar, dal and then some chappatis.

chappatis - ofcourse were just ready made and only had to heat them - believe it or not, they came out really well !!!! :)))

rice - basmati - added extra water.. so more of kuzhu sadham.

sambhar - added thoor dal.. which ultimately become thick and the avarakkai i had cut - didnt boil completely and was more raw than anything.. felt like a pre-historic man!

so had some chappati with dal - which was yummy and has some very little rice with so called sambhar - and some curd.. all somewhere at midnight.

but out of it all - one good thing - which my family would be happy to hear - i am attempting to eat healthy home cooked food - though its not entirely landing up in that shape!!


Friday, February 03, 2006

eating murukku

just had some asthalin.. feeling much better. - i normally dont have medicine.. but if it does become necessary - then i do take.

murukku tastes yummy - thanks to my parents who got it for me from pondicherry.

it was actually a very good gesture for them to come to bangalore to see me off.

hearing chinna chinna asai song from roja now.. i remember the first time i heard this song was when i was in my 9th standard.. that was also the time when i was trying hard to prove to myself that i could get the first rank in my class.

it was really 5 through 10 all the time.. this time i wanted it to be special.. i really planned it out like anything.. kept on focusing on my writing speed..

i always knew that writing speed was the key to success in exams.. so wrote and wrote and wrote.. be it a maths problem or a chemistry equation.. i wrote until i could say it upside down.

then in my 1st midterm - i did exceedingly well.

so i knew i was in the right track. now my main target was my quaterly exams. it was the key for me at that age.. how sincere and focused i used to be then!

those days - i used to keep motivating myself - amidst all the issues i was in - wanting to prove something to myself.. something which would give me satisfaction.

well.. the day the marks were out - i really could thank God for the results.. i scored 823/1000 - a total which was the top most not only in A section but also inthe other 5 sections.

infact no one even touched 800. the next highest was in the 780's.

that day i bought a cassette of Roja.. Lahari company .... I hadnt heard Roja at all till that day - I had promised myself that only after getting the first rank - I would hear Roja....!

I somehow had a huge interest in music.. could focus on studies while listening to music.. music was always the big source of inspiration in my life - all along. especially ARRehman!

I had bought each and every one of his cassettes since Roja - I sort of related him to my first big success in life - my first rank in 9th standard.

That year - I got the proficiency award in my school annual day - my parents didnt come for the annual day.. so i was all alone relishing my success.. but didnt really know whom to share it with!

whatever they had done for me - i am really grateful!

had very good friends in premjit and nallam and kaushik and kapil. every one of us was very mature and we really helped each other when the other was in any kind of problem!

struggled a lot in that phase of my life.. but somehow i never gave up!

- another happy moment was when i acted in the school plays.. i never really was an outspoken person in school.. never really came out in the open to do things like drama.

but my school teacher Mr. Subramanian - he was the one who really wanted me to get in. Those drama rehearsal days were all full of fun. Though initially shy, I was able to make it and did a good show - in my school annual day.

i played the role of the "devil" and kapil was the "imp". it was one funny play. anoop was the peasant. had a good role with minimum makeup :)

no one came to watch the annual day - from my end. that was just how it was! - i was all alone doing things and enjoying them quite alone.

i had done two dramas in school in fact!


just had some sambhar rice with murukku.. feeling much better now. need to take some rest and start off tomm to look for houses.


Its winter in London

Landed last week on Sunday. Didnt really expect that it would be this cold. Thought would be able to manage..... having seen winters with minus degrees in pilani.

but then this was to be something totally different and difficult as well.

the hotel where i am staying is literally in the center of london.. its a good one.. but there is wonderful background noise of the heater which really irritates me!

so i sleep with the lights on.. i think i am used to thinking that when the lights are switched off, there must be complete silence.


work has started off well.. nothing really tough so far.. but the ball has started rolling and it wouldnt be late when I am really tied up day in day out.

colleagues are all helpful. so nothing much to worry.

missing home and the good food - thanks to my mom!! here only lunch is something substantial.. rest all is for namesake. health wise - i am having some dry cough for the past two days.. havent told anyone... for they would be unduly worrying.

rest all is fine. started looking for a home.... nothing materialised as such.. hopefully this weekend something should come through.

havent spoken to my parents after i reached here... i think they must be really worried about me.

havent unpacked much of the stuff.. its all tucked in safely in the luggage.

ok... shall continue after having some murukku,
