Thursday, February 28, 2008

iPhone iThankU!

Every person has a melting point, where they overcome the sea of temptation and go for the splash. That was just my moment today. Should I, shouldnt I - was the big question in my mind.

iPhone caught my eye a year before, when I was thinking of buying an iPod. I told myself, I will wait and buy the iPhone, even if it takes time. Cometh the time, cometh the opportunity!

It came in the guise of one of my mates Bon Footweak (name changed) who incidentally didnt really like the iPhone he managed to smuggle from US. We met up in one of those dark alleys near the river, the ones your mom always warned you of. Showing off the new piece, the rugged and wide-eyed dark man shrugged with a hoarse voice - 'You wanna check this out. I like it, but you know, in my line of work, there's place for just one gun. This aint fitting in'.

After a lot of intro and externospection... I went for the fair price that he offered me. Surely this line is just to make him feel good about the sale ;). There it was, all mine. A couple of tricks were needed to get it working and I quickly realised that yours sincerely wasnt exactly 'Nimble fingered Dinkle'. Embarassment followed when Footweak showed me how to get the 'job' done. He was just too good at it. Hail the Wigan Cowboy!

Came home to realise that my MacBook Pro had already scented 'the second apple' in the home. With a grin, I broke the news of the arrival. MP wanted to see what it was all about. Surely one could sense the competitition in the room. 2 apples and poor human me! Soon, the introductions were made. MP didnt really seem happy to see most of the dashboard functionalities in 'iP'.

It struck me like 'a short circuit on fire' - machines are just like humans!!! Explaining my point of view for this expansion in my personal space, I promised them that I will bring out distinct roles and responsibilities so that both could know what were their new 'areas of influence'. A meeting is lined up early next month, once I got well acquainted with iPhone's capabilities.

What can only be my first and last Leap day in London comes tomorrow.. and I made the iLeap in eager anticipation of the moment. If I could keep this iPhone until the next leap day arrives, I would have done some iJustice to it.

My 'phone' is brilliant
My 'player' is pure
I saw a 'combo', of that I am sure
She smiled at me on the subway, she was with another man
But I won't lose no sleep on that, 'cause I have another plan..

U'r beautiful, U'r beautiful, U'r beautiful - its true...!!

I saw your face in a crowded 'webpage',
And I didn't know what to do,
'Cause I thought I'll never be with you.

Yes, she caught my eye
As I browsed on by
She could see from my face that I was, happy and high
And I don't think that I'll 'lose' her again
Should we share a moment, it wont be in vain..

U'r my iPhone, U'r my iPhone, U'r my iPhone - iThankU!!!


Voodoo Woman! said...


Men are obssessed, when it comes to gizmos and gadgets. Was reading something on Internet Friendship, and read your post. Commented there too, but started to read, more recent posts.

A nice blog :) Keep it rolling!

Voodoo Woman! said...


Men are obssessed, when it comes to gizmos and gadgets. Was reading something on Internet Friendship, and read your post. Commented there too, but started to read, more recent posts.

A nice blog :) Keep it rolling!