Thursday, March 27, 2008

The botany of money.

Around half past seven, today evening, I am walking down the 'Green Mile'. The sincere rotating door lets me out of the office building, thinking that its just another day, another person. Well, my 'Dear Door', I can assure you its not.

12 hours earlier, I am sleeping not too well. Its probably the most significant day of my work in London. The last day. Reached office in the morning with a very different feeling inside me. The yellowish shade of the sun was quite the same as 'usual' - talking about which, the Northern line did get held up at more than one stop. 'Not too sure of how to approach this occasion' - my mind kept escalating to my heart. After all, I had to wait 3 years to get to this point. Made innumerable compromises interspersed with unimaginable regrets. Wasnt like I was moving a continent, I was moving it with my hands tied!

The day begins with the normal last day emails being flouted to my 'near and peer'. Much of my closer circle was acquainted with this news anyway. The 1000 day journey has helped me get closer to a lot of good souls, professionally and personally. This was the apt opportunity to remember them all and thank them for it. Lunch was special with one of my closest colleagues (also pronounced - 'friend').

Post lunch is pretty much when the amigos start sharing their adios in person. Met people whose retinas werent in my line of sight for over a year. Some of them atleast. Others spared a second to reminisce of the battles and wars fought together. Moments which when rewinded to, derive satisfaction of the highest order. Most challenges won, ofcourse. Others ended in a truce - due credit to the 'one enterprise' concept. This project is obviously one of the world's biggest and the stakeholders are the cream of the industry. Honestly, almost!

As the angle of the sunrays started tending to 30%, it was a fully operational routine of meeting up with my 'band of brothers' and a few ladies too. Seeing people take a moment for you; as a person, as a team mate, as a friend & speaking some wonderful words; my heart retorted back to my mind - 'thats genuine, the person's auricle confirms it'.

Started off on this road path, with nothing but a bag of dried leaves, leaves of experience. An open mind and a little understanding of photosynthesis, helped sprout and root many seeds of 'steady progress'. As the vines of challenges became stronger, strangling the trunk; out came a branch with each tighter grasp; aptly titled 'route to the fruit'. Such is botany, the funda of our work lives. (Not much is said of the caterpillars and insects which preyed, they come under Zoology!!)

Work-Life balance is often spoken about, not realising that work is a branch of life. Its the branch which bears the key fruits - rupee, dollar, pound - many distinct botanic species. The satanic part of it is where the work ends and a small part remains for 'family'. The part which helps nourish the trunk.

'Dear Door', which I passed through, for the last time today; had missed the biology classes, at the carpenters'. That explains why it didnt swing a bit slower for me, just this once, just this day.
That extra second, to relish and rejoice, the journey I have completed to the point of wishful 'no return'. Shouldnt we have some 'slow-motion' days, days when every second gets a bonus 'second', every word echoes a bit longer in your ears, every tear takes more time to reach the floor??!

Will surely miss my co-plants in this jungle. The jungle by the river. And that Ladies and gentlemen, is a "plant's memory". After all, this is the botany of money, we are talking about.

The botany of money.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Be the change!

A normal routine each day. Take the train from my home and go North and then, by the time you have got comfortable and are moving to the inner zone of your morning meditation (read 'snooze'); at Kennington, forced you indeed are to switch over to the platform beside and wait for the Charing Cross branch. (I always end up taking the Bank branch, call it co-incidence or conspiracy.)

It was one such un-impressive journeys, a few days back, and the train halted at Oval. In came a lady with a dog. She came in and was helped with the heavy dog by a co-passenger. Once she got in, the person sitting on the corner seat, gave her a place, the gentleman he proved to be. The lady made the huge black dog sit down near her feet. She made sure that the dog wasnt blocking the way or touching the by-sitter's legs.

By this time, the train had started moving and I was standing across this lady, standing near the pathway door, between the coaches. I was looking at her with quiet intent, not because she was beautiful, not because she had a good dog, but because she was smiling with what seemed 'inner happiness'. A pleasant smile, it was indeed. She seemed to know something which was different, something which was so reflective of pure satisfaction. Probably she was enjoying her train ride or she was going to meet someone important and was happy - I will never know. As I kept looking at her, she wasnt looking back at me. She simply couldnt. She was blind.

There are moments which freeze in your life, moments which you really dont understand much from, but still know 'just about enough' to realize its teaching you something significant. This was one of them.

In the land of America, Obama was having a tough time with the media on his pastor and his blunt comments, pro-racist and anti-american. And the noose was getting tighter by the day. News channels were scanning the pastor and his speeches 10 times per hour. It seemed like this was more important than anything else to the American news editor. Sitting on my sofa couch, I was following this story keenly and was disappointed Obama was getting the rough end of the stick. It obviously wasnt fair.

The tide turns. Obama marks the time and the hour to make his 'retaliatory' speech. Its aptly called the 'race and unity' speech. I had come back from work, that day, and was trying to scan how the speech went, and finally got a youtube link and was seeing him deliver it. Surely, it wasnt an ordinary speech - political or american. There was a much more significant and 'basic' message in the words he uttered. The chronology of events were all coined up in the best possible way, so were his body language and the way he orated, going about, from 200 years back to this day.

Aptly, this speech, is suggested, as being 'the speech of our generation'. It has evoked a response far too significant, and far too historical. Stunning was the reaction to see it live - I felt like he was just 'too good' to be a human. He truly had his MOMENT of RECKONING.

The two contrasting episodes, only made my brain cells work overtime. Here was one lady, who could have easily fallen into the vaccuum of the 'unseen' world but was living life as normal and still managing the 'most' pleasant of smiles one can ever see. Here was a man, who delivers a speech, which comes out not just addressing the current problem, he is faced with, but has all the right words and meanings to be placed in 'history's place of honour'.

Both of them are fighting their own challenges. As is typical with every human, we always think our problems are the worst. But the beauty of it all is that they dont think they will lose and they hence wont. They know they have to change the world, but to initiate that, they become the medium for change.

'Be the change' is their motto, inked in the unspoken smile here and emphasised by the uttered speech there. But its only all the same. When it comes to action, both have won their wars hands down. Both are equal heroes in my 'hall of fame'.

By their actions, both have changed their lives, their immediate environment and inspired many people in their generation like me. A simple step, taken in the right direction, never sounded light. Its always heavy and has helped guide others towards it too.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Start to End.

What begins with a sudden beat, ends in abrupt silence.

A fresh composition on this thought, hot off 'garageband'. The song is listed at:

Listen with an eager ear - its got a deposit of composite mixtures and moods.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Some of those who mean something to me, those who are in my inner circle, already know and have heard these before. But there are others, who mentioned I should include this in my blog as well. For them, please check out the below link:

These are some of the compositions I had done some months back. The last one is atleast 4 months old. An apple a day keeps the doctor away - guess, it lets the musician get in. Thanks to my Macbook Pro for being patient enough with me as I went about creating these musical short stories. Some of them have only a title to go with it, one has a short story.

Ladies with umbrellas and gents with raincoats (typifies today's London weather) , I hereby present 'iComposed'.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Five different pieces of creativity. Well, some more by mistake than intent. But thats how probably we all learn and evolve. Mistakes. The eternal part of everyone's lives. Its only a matter of time before we all make another one. Ever thought why we had to do something wrong and only then learn what the right way or the right thing was??!!!

Never mind, on a weekday evening, at home, my brain works at less than 30% of its total utilization. Cant always bring out words and thoughts in every blog. So for a change, this one is all about five favorite pictures. FIVE FAVES.

For the benefit of those who dont know the 'sequence' of events here, the above five artifacts were done by me and my family on one of our outings last month. One hour of intensive 'clay creativity'. The one on the top, was made by me and my daughter. The next two ones were made by Suja. The last two were made by 'Yours sincerely'. The earlier blog is this line of discussion is found here -

The 'case of the vase' or the 'plot of the pot' has been deciphered hereby!!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Sabbath Hour!

Super Tuesday 2 came and went. In Australia, India went on to snub the 'cry babies' of their napkin award. History in the making certainly, but this tour was so acrimonious from the first day the Indians left for Australia - the victory is sweeter million times over. Ofcourse thats the Indian in me digging in!!

Harbhajan has become the kind of revolutionary player, and anything said or hurting him has transcended to every Indian as a personal insult. Strange as it sounds, I was not too happy to see the Australian fans booing him on the fence. But what matters is who has the final laugh. India has truly accorded this victory second only to the world cup win. The kangaroo has been reigned in and its the era of the Tiger. The Indian Tiger!! - ironically, the 'animal' species is supposedly on the decline in the subcontinent!

Across the Pacific, Obama lost Texas and Ohio, but still managed to maintain the delegate lead over Clinton. I guess in that sense, its a draw here. No concrete win to either little Dave or mighty Golly.

As I sat pondering over where my next blog was going to come from, I had to answer some queries which have come my way in the past few days. Some of the readers think that it takes me ages to write a blog. Well, to get the facts right, it takes 30-45 min to write one blog, complete with all editions - the small exclamation and the final fullstop. So please stop moaning that I have too much time at my disposal for getting this blog up and running.

The fact is that, every single one of us has enough time to do that ONE activity - outside work, outside family - which makes us feel satisfied when we hit the bed at nite. The one activity which keeps us going within ourselves ; doing justice to the 'hidden' talents, to the very basic meaning of 'genetic variation' that gives us our individuality - truly and simply!!

Call it a habit of doing crosswords on the way to work - trying to read some books day in day out - regularly watch that one tv serial, enjoining the emotions it brings out - dancing to good music - watering plants like there is a drought on earth - blogging your heart out - sports activities during the weekend - swimming a mile a day - the list is endless.

What translates into this habit of ours is an outcome of our 'reptilian' instincts. This activity will help us either feel confident about ourselves or help bring out the positives 'intellectual-wise', something which we need to keep the inner glow going. Close your eyes for a moment and you will immediately realise that UNIQUE activity - the gateway to our INNER HEAVEN.

Ok. We know what we need to do. Whats the conversion ratio like here? Pathetic and appalling. Why is it so? Quite easy to say this. Its become a hidden rule these days, that to spend time for oneself is not that encouraged as it could be. The average Indian woman, finds it difficult to take time every day, out of the busy schedule which engulfs her. Husband, children take her for a jolly ride and she gets on board due diligently. I would say, she is the one who needs a break most importantly, to help refresh herself a bit.

Men are not that far off. Maybe they are running behind completing tomorrow's task by today evening or they are planning of day after's meeting. Its always becomes thinking of 'whats next' that 'the present' becomes a pre-extension of 'the future'. Not that I blame them for it.

This is the nature of the game we call 'Life'. Onsite, on the third rock from the sun, its all about how the solar system operates. If only the earth was a bit slow in revolving around the sun, one day wouldnt exactly stop at 24 hours. That might just mean, that we probably get, say an hour, the SABBATH hour, to do the activity which will keep our internal engines running with a spirit of joy and satisfaction.

The SABBATH hour. To those who believe they can slow down 'mother earth' to get extra time, the editor recommends a good doctor in your locality. But for those who want to live within the constraints and yet find this hour, well, its all about your willingness to let go of something very low in the 'daily priority chart' - which can be done tomorrow.

No one will know that the task has been put on hold. No one neednt care either. Its your life and you know whats best for you. Married, single or mingling! The divine fact is that today will never come again. If you can do anything to keep yourself happy, the difference you will make around you will easily double or triple.

Whether you sign in to save the INDIAN 'TIGER' or not, first sign in to save 'yourself' and let your heart smile. A smile that has been rightfully earned. BY YOU AND YOU ONLY.

40 minutes.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Its David vs Goliath!

Tendulkar. An awesome innings - some slog shots - but in all - for the first time in recent years - he has scored a century in a final - and that too chasing - and that too in Australia - against Australia - and most importantly carried his bat throughout the innings.

The odds in the above sentence are much bigger when put together. It was an unbelievably clean innings, no chances provided through out. Cometh the time, indeed the contribution. Treating Johnson and Hogg like 'bowlers at the nets', surely takes a lot of 'attitude'; something which can be a double edged sword, given the occasion.

Australia is increasingly becoming a 'cry baby' team, citing every single frown and scratch as a reason for racist behaviour. They are not used to getting rapped on their hands and their mouths taped match after match. Thats what happened this series and suddenly they just dont know how to play cricket. Their standards have sunk to a new low this series. Much has to be said about how India has dealt with all the controversies sprouting almost every day like the 'morning newspaper'.

Tendulkar often behaves like the true ambassador of the game - the beamer from Lee hitting him on the shoulder, when he was on 98 - well, it had all the ingredients for the next controversy in Sydney - only that this was Sir Sachin. Such moments will stay in the 'Indian cricket memory bank' for years to come.

The elephant in the room, thats what he was called before the match, Tendulkar came up with a 'once in a lifetime' batting display. If India goes on to win on Super Tuesday 2, then it will really be the icing of the cake for Tendulkar. Will it be the youthful Indian team or the aging and experienced Australians who will win this series?! Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, in a distant part of the world and a different game, Super Tuesday 2, is bringing with it, an equally intense competition. The land is America and the game is the Democratic primary elections in Texas and Ohio, the hot spots. Obama has emerged as 'the clean candidate' with a lot of charisma and style. His delivery and composure sure take the breath out of the viewer. I am absolutely in awe about the body language Obama portrays with such effectiveness.

Clinton, I dont have anything against her, but she seems a touch 'artificial' and thats probably going to cost her the nomination. As it stands, I dont have the issues of 'healthcare' and 'national security' high up in my brain cells, so the only thing that appeals to me is the way they go about talking, rather than what. She considers herself as the 'rightful' nominee and treats Obama as if he were a novice compared to her 'experience'.

2 battles, both entirely different, but the underlying tussle is the same - its David vs Goliath. On one side is the the fresh perspectived, hungry to win, young challenger and on the other, the 'experienced' and 'aged' competitor, banking on 'previous glories, to see it through.

Two days from now, the world can be a totally different place... the sun wont rise in the west though, not just yet!