Saturday, June 20, 2009

Destined to Win!

How do people achieve what they do? Lets not take the celebrities or their quickfamed children. Lets analyse the common - next door boy and gal! One interesting point to observe is that, they would have had a tough childhood! Tough being relative from one person to another. Second, they would have been through innumerable situations in life - where they would have had to progress to the next level. Sometimes - its by choice, mostly, the situations are by destiny.

My favourite D word - DESTINY!

Sounds very vague and illogical at first glance! Are we really destined to do what we end up doing? Is it not that we go through a path of complicated choices and end up choosing at every stage? Choices we take are usually compatible with our core fabric. The fabric which entails the sum total of all our traits/emotions/feelings and skills - dormant or existant. No one comes to this world empty handed. They come - yes - with loads of invisible skills. It takes time for the world to recognise it, for the world to appreciate it and most importantly for the individual to come to terms with it!

When I look around myself, people who surround me in the avatar called 'friendship' - I have to say, some of them stand out like the North star! Outstanding qualities, extraordinary personality, very young yet as mature as it gets. Smart, committed, focused! I can go on. Some of these qualities, in themselves, take a lot of time and effort to identify, build and sustain. But having all of them as a package, is truly worth wondering, what is the secret behind all of this??

"The Himalayas" didnt happen by chance! It wasnt a fluke. It happened because of the consistent situations it had to face when two continents collided and continued to push each other, over many years. Steve Waugh once famously observed that whenever he walked in as a batsman, he was always nervous. But he also had the thought that like him, everyone else was equally nervous, if not more. This simple understanding made him play at relative ease and helped him mentally succeed in most cricketing situations - as history would tell! (Not sure if you have ever been on a cricket field. I have and trust me, this thought works like a charm!)

There are certain thoughts which are different and unique and when we possess those, our ability to deliver - be it in any sphere of life - is magnified enormously. Some of us already have it and dont know about it. Some of us do! Battles and wars are fought in the mind! They are won there too!! So, if ever you are facing a tough situation in life, think about that extra special quality you possess - something which is invisible yet holds matter! That is what will help you achieve what you are destined to do.

What is, never is! What isnt, ever is!

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