Monday, February 20, 2006

New Home New Experience

Managed to move to a new home yesterday afternoon. its a good feeling after all.. finally getting into the first stage of working in a new country.#

and also yeah.. i also started off with some cooking. man that was some experience.. its not to say that i dont know cooking.. but its definitely like - i have forgotten a lot.

started off to make some rice, sambhar, dal and then some chappatis.

chappatis - ofcourse were just ready made and only had to heat them - believe it or not, they came out really well !!!! :)))

rice - basmati - added extra water.. so more of kuzhu sadham.

sambhar - added thoor dal.. which ultimately become thick and the avarakkai i had cut - didnt boil completely and was more raw than anything.. felt like a pre-historic man!

so had some chappati with dal - which was yummy and has some very little rice with so called sambhar - and some curd.. all somewhere at midnight.

but out of it all - one good thing - which my family would be happy to hear - i am attempting to eat healthy home cooked food - though its not entirely landing up in that shape!!


1 comment:

Satish said...

this is the link of the home.. please check it out when free.
