Thursday, March 27, 2008

The botany of money.

Around half past seven, today evening, I am walking down the 'Green Mile'. The sincere rotating door lets me out of the office building, thinking that its just another day, another person. Well, my 'Dear Door', I can assure you its not.

12 hours earlier, I am sleeping not too well. Its probably the most significant day of my work in London. The last day. Reached office in the morning with a very different feeling inside me. The yellowish shade of the sun was quite the same as 'usual' - talking about which, the Northern line did get held up at more than one stop. 'Not too sure of how to approach this occasion' - my mind kept escalating to my heart. After all, I had to wait 3 years to get to this point. Made innumerable compromises interspersed with unimaginable regrets. Wasnt like I was moving a continent, I was moving it with my hands tied!

The day begins with the normal last day emails being flouted to my 'near and peer'. Much of my closer circle was acquainted with this news anyway. The 1000 day journey has helped me get closer to a lot of good souls, professionally and personally. This was the apt opportunity to remember them all and thank them for it. Lunch was special with one of my closest colleagues (also pronounced - 'friend').

Post lunch is pretty much when the amigos start sharing their adios in person. Met people whose retinas werent in my line of sight for over a year. Some of them atleast. Others spared a second to reminisce of the battles and wars fought together. Moments which when rewinded to, derive satisfaction of the highest order. Most challenges won, ofcourse. Others ended in a truce - due credit to the 'one enterprise' concept. This project is obviously one of the world's biggest and the stakeholders are the cream of the industry. Honestly, almost!

As the angle of the sunrays started tending to 30%, it was a fully operational routine of meeting up with my 'band of brothers' and a few ladies too. Seeing people take a moment for you; as a person, as a team mate, as a friend & speaking some wonderful words; my heart retorted back to my mind - 'thats genuine, the person's auricle confirms it'.

Started off on this road path, with nothing but a bag of dried leaves, leaves of experience. An open mind and a little understanding of photosynthesis, helped sprout and root many seeds of 'steady progress'. As the vines of challenges became stronger, strangling the trunk; out came a branch with each tighter grasp; aptly titled 'route to the fruit'. Such is botany, the funda of our work lives. (Not much is said of the caterpillars and insects which preyed, they come under Zoology!!)

Work-Life balance is often spoken about, not realising that work is a branch of life. Its the branch which bears the key fruits - rupee, dollar, pound - many distinct botanic species. The satanic part of it is where the work ends and a small part remains for 'family'. The part which helps nourish the trunk.

'Dear Door', which I passed through, for the last time today; had missed the biology classes, at the carpenters'. That explains why it didnt swing a bit slower for me, just this once, just this day.
That extra second, to relish and rejoice, the journey I have completed to the point of wishful 'no return'. Shouldnt we have some 'slow-motion' days, days when every second gets a bonus 'second', every word echoes a bit longer in your ears, every tear takes more time to reach the floor??!

Will surely miss my co-plants in this jungle. The jungle by the river. And that Ladies and gentlemen, is a "plant's memory". After all, this is the botany of money, we are talking about.

The botany of money.

1 comment:

Urmi on CSC said...

Satish, I remembered fondly my last day once again after reading this..