Monday, May 26, 2008

Defining Infinity!

In south India, typically Jackie Chan movies were always enjoyed by one and all - for the gravity defying pace of action stunts and in recognition of the fact that Jackie himself used to do all these stunts. This being a welcome change from what the Indian heroes could muster!

Once the action sequences started, it was quite like every single second, something was happening - new, different and captivating!

These aspects can be very well related to one other movie which we are all acting in. The movie of our office life. A typically IT person's day starts off with a few pleasanteries, introduction shot of the hero/heroine getting ready to go to work...and then the first action scene is on the road - as they find their way through 'auto' goons and 'bus' rowdies and finally reach office as one unit.

Then comes the real twist in the story. Its always a new deadline, a new problem or simply put - good old goondas! Fighting your way through each and every such baddie does take a lot of toll on yourself, emotionally, physically and in some lateral ways - financially! Finally, round one is over and its lunch time - movie interval.

Just like we have in the test matches, the session after lunch is the longest of the day - and this is where we get emotional scenes. The constant routine takes its toll on the lead characters and how they come out of this, is very much the central plot. The manager typically plays the 'mogambo' role, always ensuring that work is delegated, be it - emails, phone calls or even through the 'dummy' team lead.

Finally, the sun heads west and the story draws to a logical conclusion. For some, it might mean their love has been fought and conquered, love for the job and the purse, ofcourse. For others, it might end with sacrificing their time for a lost cause, hefty bar bills and maybe some time off alone, on a philosophical touch. For the majority though, its just another role. Like Vijayakanth or Mithun. For the western world, this would be Madonna or Britney Spears. (What they do daily, be it silly songs or hyped controversies, its always the same everyday!)

Nothing different from yesterday, nor from tomorrow!

The madhouse called 'office' has just taken off through the roof, what with India being the hub of most services' projects from different continents and oceans. 'Services' in itself is a relative term and quite often doesnt have a quantifiable limit to it. In short, its always more than what you do; clients never know how to spell 'satisfaction' and the managers always know how to stretch 'targets'.

Some of my friends are battling it out every day like the war against the 'aliens', believing everyday would be their last 'independence day' fight. This blog is DEDICATED to all those sincere souls, to all those who work hard, sometimes go home and connect and work through the night, WITHOUT FOOD AT TIMES, WITHOUT REST MOSTLY!

Infinity has been defined in our office framework quite clearly. It is the unsatisfiable yet definitive quest for achieving 20/20 excellence, in the midst of short term 'ones and twos' and the final 5 overs 'boundaries'. When the personal memoirs of IT folks start to flow out, thats when the rest of the world will know what it is means as 'defining infinity'.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Diamond to shine!

They say, every message, every thought, comes at the right point of time; certainly indeed to the right person. Its never a second late or early - at the same time, its not to your neighbour or to your relative.

Attempting to 'file life' into specific areas of reasoning or analytically adapting once's senses to interpret incidents around us is one 'divine' difficulty in this materialistic world of ours. Having got the time to do that, and to reach out to others to help with the decoding of the DNA of our life's chronology of incidents, there indeed seems to be some ultimate motive behind it all.

The drama we enact, has a racy screenplay, only that we know it only scene by scene. Aspirations on knowing how it will all end or how it could end is mostly beyond the powers of human comprehension. Or atleast thats where the limits of our 'conscious comprehension' end.

The journey of our souls - transmeating across different body forms - as explained in my earlier blog - 'Sarvam Anityam'; is indeed graded against certain levels of understanding or competence, forming the 'cut-off' point for moving to the next stage of enlightenment. All of us reading this blog, are in one such phase. Quite certain, most dont know or dont realise this, difference between 'knowing' and 'realising' detailing the fine line of 'reviving one's inner divinity'.

Its just like a switch in us, which lights our soul, making it look beyond the materialistic world and even beyond the reach of flesh and blood. That superior purpose is why we are all living for.
A millionaire never necessarily will influence the gradation of his life's value against that ultimate purpose of learning. Nor would a poor man have a quota towards the same.

Its all fair in life. To one and all.

Tough to defend in a scientific discussion, hard to prove in day light - there indeed exists a concept called 'reincarnation'. The closest we come to this, is in certain movies. But the reality is we are all acting in one such 'reincarnated' role, in one such mega movie; OURSELVES. For some, it may be just a few times, for others the time taken might be longer. But in all, we are all donning a new face, a new set of human relations, a new set of situations. The core US is still the same.

'Dasavatharam' or ten avatars (in translation) is probably the minimum number of reincarnations one soul has to undertake. For the journey to purfying it, isnt easy and takes time and effort, in the right direction and at the right time. We all have a diamond inside us. The same size, same shape. The effort into purifying our souls, manifests itself into 'shining one face of this diamond'. Thats simply why, one person is different from the other. The number of surfaces shining in one, will not be the same as the other. But in effect, we are all the same, when we reach the final act of 'complete purification'.

Aatman or the 'living soul' can become Paramatman or the 'ultimate soul'. Just a word needs to change here. Time taken would simply be a minimum of 'Dasavatharam'. Not only for Kamal Hassan, for the rest as well.

Friday, May 09, 2008

The power of ONE!

The Indian Premier League started off some weeks back with a lot of frenzy, hype and hips. What with the media grabbing every single four, six and slap as part of the mainstream national news, the cheer gals doing the rest. In the middle of all this ruckus, the core element was to compete on a cricketing field and compete well.

The teams which were created were fairly distinct in their composition, some banked on the icon players, some on youngsters, and most others on foreign players. Before it all began, Hyderabad was considered as probably the strongest team, Chennai coming a good second. Mumbai, Bangalore were so-so and Rajasthan was even considered an 'also-ran'. Delhi, Kolkata and Punjab where neither great nor hopeless.

All this on paper.

'Start the music' and then comes into fore the reality of the matter. From paper to execution, the kind of distinct progress and failures, which the different teams have made, is monumental. Hyderabad for one, lost lost and only lost all the time. The who's who batsmen of the world couldnt really upswing their fortunes. Swing they did, top edging the ball into the hands of fielders. Rajasthan on the other hand, had players who were hardly known even to their next street families. Unknown names, totally invisible hype, just one good leader and a few good soldiers around.

Thats probably all that it takes to win a match, a competition or a challenge. One leader and a few good men. At school, I had learnt about Dalton's law of partial pressure. It went something like this - "the total pressure exerted by a gaseous mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each individual component in a gas mixture". Scientifically proven, atleast thats what my science teacher made us believe!

Extrapolating Dalton's law to each and every IPL team, the total power exerted by a team should be equal to the sum of the strengths of the individual players, foreign or indian. Far from being the truth, its totally the contrary. Teams like Hyderabad have lost the plot, inspite of some extraordinary players, who can put pressure on most other international teams in the world, what with this only being an IPL tournament!

Rajasthan on the other hand is the elephant in hiding, coming out with twice the performance per person and doubling their success rate as many times. Blame it on Dalton for cheating millions of children and teachers at schools? - Not completely. What Dalton didnt compute is - not all gases can mix very well, at all times. Should we say its the same with humans as well. Team building cant just be added as sum of the individual performers - there is an invisible ether called leadership, thats the Fevicol which binds all of these potential humans and binds them almost inseparably.

In the coming days, there will be many more twists and turns in this tournament, but one should remember that winning and losing as a team doesnt happen by itself, be it on the cricket ground, in the corporate world, or amongst a band of fishermen weathering a storm in the Atlantic. Matters most as it should be, is the effective understanding of the purpose of channelising our efforts in one cohesive direction; to win a tournament, clinch a deal, or even gravely to save our own lives.

If we do that, we can disprove Dalton and his grandfather's law as well.

Only dont miss the enjoyment of the challenge as your boat plunges into the sea, but to arise with the next wave!

The power of ONE giving way to the wave of hope!