Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Diamond to shine!

They say, every message, every thought, comes at the right point of time; certainly indeed to the right person. Its never a second late or early - at the same time, its not to your neighbour or to your relative.

Attempting to 'file life' into specific areas of reasoning or analytically adapting once's senses to interpret incidents around us is one 'divine' difficulty in this materialistic world of ours. Having got the time to do that, and to reach out to others to help with the decoding of the DNA of our life's chronology of incidents, there indeed seems to be some ultimate motive behind it all.

The drama we enact, has a racy screenplay, only that we know it only scene by scene. Aspirations on knowing how it will all end or how it could end is mostly beyond the powers of human comprehension. Or atleast thats where the limits of our 'conscious comprehension' end.

The journey of our souls - transmeating across different body forms - as explained in my earlier blog - 'Sarvam Anityam'; is indeed graded against certain levels of understanding or competence, forming the 'cut-off' point for moving to the next stage of enlightenment. All of us reading this blog, are in one such phase. Quite certain, most dont know or dont realise this, difference between 'knowing' and 'realising' detailing the fine line of 'reviving one's inner divinity'.

Its just like a switch in us, which lights our soul, making it look beyond the materialistic world and even beyond the reach of flesh and blood. That superior purpose is why we are all living for.
A millionaire never necessarily will influence the gradation of his life's value against that ultimate purpose of learning. Nor would a poor man have a quota towards the same.

Its all fair in life. To one and all.

Tough to defend in a scientific discussion, hard to prove in day light - there indeed exists a concept called 'reincarnation'. The closest we come to this, is in certain movies. But the reality is we are all acting in one such 'reincarnated' role, in one such mega movie; OURSELVES. For some, it may be just a few times, for others the time taken might be longer. But in all, we are all donning a new face, a new set of human relations, a new set of situations. The core US is still the same.

'Dasavatharam' or ten avatars (in translation) is probably the minimum number of reincarnations one soul has to undertake. For the journey to purfying it, isnt easy and takes time and effort, in the right direction and at the right time. We all have a diamond inside us. The same size, same shape. The effort into purifying our souls, manifests itself into 'shining one face of this diamond'. Thats simply why, one person is different from the other. The number of surfaces shining in one, will not be the same as the other. But in effect, we are all the same, when we reach the final act of 'complete purification'.

Aatman or the 'living soul' can become Paramatman or the 'ultimate soul'. Just a word needs to change here. Time taken would simply be a minimum of 'Dasavatharam'. Not only for Kamal Hassan, for the rest as well.

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