Saturday, July 26, 2008

Inky Pinky Ponky!

Phew!! What a so-called debate it was! Happy that it is over and happy that corruption has surfaced yet again in Parliament circles. Does anyone deny that Indian politics is beyond the reach of Gandhi's smiling rupee notes? Well - you need to consult a doctor for sure. Dont live in a mirage!!

Having followed the proceedings on this confidence motion and the frantic efforts taken to buy votes, one can clearly understand why the country aka India is in such a fantastic state of affairs. The people at the helm are so flexible when it comes to policies, that money factor is the real policy driving mantra. If this were the case, how would the common man benefit?

Firstly, I dont see how the two day proceedings can be termed as a debate. Most of the time, it was only one person speaking and there were either too many rebuttals that the session was adjourned or no one cared to respond back in a responsible manner. This was more of a waste of time. Most of India's politicians hardly know what is nuclear energy leave alone the need for it. In such a situation, people voting beyond party lines was only because of the sudden surge in their bank accounts or because of their perceived opportunism cometh the upcoming elections.

It resembled a desperate act in a reality show, with every parliamentarian aware of the 24/7 media following the debate. MPs who came out to take a break or to have some food, were hounded for some sound bites and they readily offered to speak whatever they wanted and "flash news" was the order of the day!!

The average intelligent indian - if ever did exist - will realise that no country has a clean democracy and hence one shouldnt expect too high standards from India's elite governing league as well. But then, is this how we are going to benchmark our MPs - who are supposed to represent individual constituencies of this country?! For example - how many of these MPs actually went to the constituency they represent and talked about this deal and reflected that in their vote? NONE.

Though the people of the country vote for politicians, it is the political party's dictum they have to adhere to. This is so ironic and leaves the people totally out of the loop on decisions which are going to impact them in every way! Ofcourse, I am not talking only about the nuclear deal, while placing this argument. Any decision which is to be taken by these MPs gets aligned on party lines, so what happens to the participation of people in the decision making process?

As long as channels like CNN-IBN are afraid to join hands with the people in highlighting corruption amongst the MPs and trying to pave the way for a cleaner society, the helpless lot of democracy - namely people - will only have to sit back and pray for their fate.

Private governance is much better than this public drama of 'Inky Pinky Ponky - I vote for a Nukey!' One thing that we have been assured of by this immoral display in the confidence motion, the country is not running because of these law makers. It is up and running despite them! So long as the wheels dont come off, no one wants to get out of the vehicle and check it upfront nor do they have a mechanism of doing it!!

I can safely tell myself, in my lifetime, I have also seen the day when politicians turned prostitutes! This unexpected day has also come and gone! You never know whats going to happen next. :((

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