Thursday, August 14, 2008


Another August 15 comes. Yet another farcical opportunity for the Indian television channels to capitalize on movies and movie stars - the sole representatives of Indian Independence!!

In a divisive country like India, events like Republic day or Independence day are becoming more of a formality for the common man, extra workload for the policemen, yet another speech for the Prime Minister and yes yet another parade in Delhi and other capitals.

Tomorrow, it will be back to the burning issues of the country including the stalemate in J&K, the terrorist bombs which can go off anywhere, the quest for another medal in the Olympics and the never ending sound bites from the dumb politicians of India.

Events of the magnitude of 'Independence day' are being nullified with absolutely nothing being done during the regular days of the year. There is no point in celebrating such events if we cant learn to do the right things for the country, during the other 364 days, if our leaders cant learn to do things which are good for the people and if the people themselves dont learn to be less corrupt.

"Democracy" is what is known to the rest of the world, but in India, it is called DemocraZy. Stunned by all the incompetent leaders who only want to increase their bank balance, the nation is not very far off from totally resigning to its fate and people deciding to take law in their own hands. For an advanced society like India, DemocraZy is certainly not the right form of governance. Neither will we setup a platform for people to succeed nor will the ever increasing economic gap between 'the haves and the havenots' be diminished in any way. Villages will remain the same and leaders will innovate in incompetence, but excel in accumulating self-wealth.

Not sounding cynical in any way, this post is truly reflecting the truth of the nation's state. As the nation ages by another year, death bells in the form of a stupid legal system, incompetent police force and a corrupt leadership setup are only echoing louder in decibels. The day we stop doing the most obvious mistakes and draw a line to have a fresh start is the day we can truly mark as our Independence day. Till then, this is a mere waste of time.

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