Saturday, May 02, 2009

Listen - dont just hear!

Today - the IT world is getting templatized!

In the previous generation, it was raining "engineers and doctors". Some droplets of "lawyers" maybe. "Army and Police" were the options of the rural youth. "Government jobs" and the "9-to-5" lifestyle were the norm. It was quite a success too.

But then the ones who really moved away from these quadrants of public acceptability, neednt be termed as failures. In fact those that are currently enterpreneurs can be termed as having culturally moved out of the mould - to realise their own dream! Why they do that is because of the fact that they see "something which others dont"!

Dont want this blog to sound like a cut-paste from any management book - but then I do feel the time is right to put my perspective to some of my dudes at work.

This generation is aligned with IT whether they like it or not. Most fields are aligned with the omnipresent "computer"! In core IT terminology, there exists a divide between "the acceptable" and the "also ran". Development/Delivery roles are really accepted as having the most benefit to one's career. Support roles are slightly looked down at! BPO roles probably fall even lower!

At the end of the day, they all get paid, in proportion ofcourse. But if you look at the careers of the chunk, they will fall under development/delivery. Does this mean that they are all very successful? Not really. They only believe in going with the crowd - nothing more nothing less.

When I joined HP, I faced some interesting questions from my friends as to why I chose the "support" role that I did. Looking back at those years, I had a chance to work in multiple technologies - facilitated by the chance of attending multiple trainings and it really helped me widen my perspective. Wasnt the case of looking between the code written by another developer in the team and the bug therein!

Sincere suggestion to my dudes in the IT world - break the template - do step into newer roles. Its no longer a fair world. The one who takes the risk, gets ahead!

Now, dont tell me you didnt know all this!! You did - you have heard it before but didnt listen enough. Thats the mistake you made and it has made all the difference.

Listen - dont just Hear!

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